HSE and the Department of Health Survey

The HSE and the Department of Health are developing national physical activity guidelines for people living with chronic conditions. The development of these guidelines involves undertaking research and engaging with relevant stakeholders. The researchers have developed draft guidelines, along with messages that will help to communicate the guidelines to the public. They are seeking feedback … Read more

New Ambassador, Catherine Leyden

We are thrilled to introduce our new Ambassador, Catherine Leyden, the Odlums Lady and Baking Queen for Ireland AM! Catherine is living with COPD and understands only too well the challenges this brings to her daily life. Thank you Catherine for your support!  

Seamus Lawless

This is Seamus Lawless who will be running the Irish Life Dublin Marathon in honour of his father, Tom who had COPD. We hugely appreciate Seamus choosing COPD Support Ireland as his charity and wish him well with his training and the marathon itself! If you can help support this fundraiser, the link is https://eventmaster.ie/fundraising/pages/SL54861316 … Read more

TY Show in The Curragh on Tuesday 17th September

We were delighted to meet so many TY students at the TY Show in The Curragh on Tuesday 17th September. We had a busy day raising awareness of COPD amongst the younger population and are hoping some students might fundraise for us as a TY fundraising project! If you have a grandchild/son/daughter that is in … Read more