COPD Support Ireland was founded in 2013 to support those living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. We are a national membership based organisation committed to maximising the quality of life of people living with or at risk of COPD and to support those who care for them.
By donating to COPD Support Ireland you can make a difference by supporting the lives of people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Ireland.

You can make a once off or monthly donation through our Enthuse payment platform.

You can make a donation through Paypal.

You can send money directly to our bank account.
Address: Bank of Ireland, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Sort Code: 90-09-73
Account No: 25742246
IBAN No: IE74BOFI90097325742246

You can make a donation by cheque, bank draft or postal order.
Please make payable to COPD Support Ireland.
These can be posted to: COPD Support Ireland, The Hub, Sandyford Industrial estate Dublin 18 D18 CV48
COPD Support Ireland is a company limited by guarantee which has charitable status. Registered Company No.548142 / Registered Charity No. CHY20731
COPD Support Ireland is a company limited by guarantee which has charitable status. Registered Company No.548142 / Registered Charity No. CHY20731