Rising star of the silver screen, Sing Street actor Ferdia Walsh-Peelo, today joined with RTÉ Two Tube’s Bláthnaid Treacy and Stephen Byrne to launch a nationwide movie competition Lovin’ Our Lungs to highlight the importance of lung health for a full and active life. The awards, which are organised by the Irish Lung Health Alliance, a coalition of 17 charities, in partnership with Foróige, the national youth development organisation, are open to teenagers aged between 12 and 18 years (see www.lovinourlungs.ie).
The top prize is a ‘breathtaking’ adventure experience for the winning club or individual and their friends with Ecoadventure Ireland—a chance to experience fresh air, stunning scenery and a range of thrilling adventure activities at a choice of centres nationwide. The competition is based on a number of themes—how our lungs work, looking after our lungs, and fun lung facts. Entrants are invited to make a 90-second movie celebrating the importance of our lungs and how to look after them based on one or more of these themes, details of which can be found at www.lovinourlungs.ie, along with entry details. The campaign is supported by RTÉ’s Two Tube which will showcase the winning entry live on air on Friday May 27. The closing date for entries is Sunday May 22, 2016.

Shane O’Neill Photography
Full press release here