Inclusion Criteria
- FEV1 <80% predicted·
- FEV1/FVC<70% predicted·
- MMSE >7· Sytstolic BP >100mmHg·
- ABGs pH>7.35, pO2 >
- 7.3kPa,pCO2>8kPa (on room air)·
- Total WCC 4-20*10/l· 0-72hrs of presenting to hospital
Exclusion Criteria
- Suspected malignancy·
- Pneumothorax·
- Pneumonia·
- Uncontrolled LVF·
- Acute ECG changes·
- Requires full time care·
- Insufficient home care·
- Requires IV therapy·
- Type 1 DMPatient
Patient is diagnosed with Acute Exacerbation of COPD and if appropriate referred to COPD Outreach Team
- TeamPatient is re-assessed and admitted for medical treatment and investigation for up to 48 hrs until early supported discharge with the COPD Outreach team.
- Patient is admitted to medical ward and is expected to require medical treatment and investigations for longer than 48
- Patient is Discharged Directly home from A&E with COPD Outreach Team and Care package.
Patient fits COPD Outreach discharge criteria and is discharged home with the COPD Outreach Team with prescriptions and Care package.
Patient does not fulfil COPD Outreach early supported discharge criteria and is admitted to medical bed.